Australia Business Talent 132 Visa (Permanent)

The Business Talent 132 Visa is one of the most dreamed-of visas, designed for high-quality business owners and entrepreneurs who desire to launch new businesses or develop existing businesses in Australia. This visa provides a direct route to permanent residence, allowing individuals and their families to live and work in Australia indefinitely. This permanent resident visa stream welcomes individuals with the experience, skills, and financial resources to contribute significantly to Australia’s economic growth.

Australia Business Talent 132 Visa Eligibility Requirements


Business Career

Business Ownership

Minimum Ownership Share

Business Assets

Business Turnover

True Business Intention

Nomination from the State or Territorial Government: Obtain a nomination certificate from an Australian state or territory government.

Business Career: Demonstrated successful business career with a history of managing and owning a business.

Business Ownership: In at least two of the four financial years immediately before the visa application, the applicant or his/her spouse (or both together) must have had an ownership interest in one or more businesses.

Minimum Ownership Share: At least 51% if the business turnover is less than AUD 400,000. ▪️At least 30% if the business turnover is AUD 400,000 or more. ▪️At least 10% if the business is a public company.

Business Assets: The applicant or spouse (or both) must have net personal and business assets of at least AUD 1.5 million that can be transferred to Australia within two years of visa approval.

Business Turnover: The business (or businesses) must have a total annual turnover of at least AUD 3 million in at least two of the four financial years preceding the application.

True Business Intention: The applicant must have a genuine desire to own and manage a business in Australia.

Types of Australia Business Talent 132 Visa Flows

1. Australia Business Talent 132 Visa Important Work History Stream

This stream is designed for senior business owners with a significant track record of successful business operations.

Ownership and Turnover: Maintaining significant ownership and control of a business with a high annual turnover.

Investment in Australia: Committing to launching or developing an existing business in Australia.

Commercial Activities: Engaging in activities that benefit the Australian economy, such as creating jobs, exporting Australian goods, or introducing new technology.

2. Australia Business Talent 132 Visa Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream

This stream is for individuals who have secured venture capital funding from an Australian Venture Capital Association Limited (AVCAL) member.

Venture Capital: Providing venture capital funding of at least AUD 1 million for early-stage start-up, product commercialization, or business development.

Business Plan: Provide a viable business plan that demonstrates the potential for growth and economic contribution to Australia.

Venture Capital Agreement: Provide a formal agreement with the venture capital firm detailing investment and business objectives.

Avustralya İş İnovasyonu ve Yatırım 132 Vizesi için yapılması gerekenler

Australia Business Talent 132 Visa Application Process

Submitting Expression of Interest (EOI)

Submit an EOI through the SkillSelect system and select the state or region for which you wish to be nominated.


Apply for a nomination from a state or regional government. Each state has its own criteria and work priorities, so it is important to research and organize your job offer accordingly.

Visa Application

After nomination comes an invitation to apply for a visa. Gather all necessary documents, including evidence of business ownership, financial statements, job performance, and personal assets.

Review of the Application

The Home Office will assess your application against the relevant visa criteria. Processing times may vary. If the application is approved, you can obtain the Business Talent 132 visa.

Benefits of the Australian Business Talent 132 Visa

Health Services

Permanent Residence Opportunity


Citizenship Opportunity

Health Services: You can access Medicare, Australia’s public health system. After a qualifying period, you can access social security benefits.

Permanent Residence Opportunity: You can live, work, and start your business in Australia indefinitely.

Education: You have the opportunity to register your children in Australian schools and universities.

Citizenship Opprtunity: After fulfilling the residency requirements, you can apply for Australian citizenship.

Australia Business Talent 132 Visa Support and Consulting

The Business Talent 132 Visa offers a pathway to permanent residence for experienced business owners who can contribute significantly to the Australian economy. Australia welcomes entrepreneurs and innovators and with careful planning, the right support, and a strong business vision, they can help you realize your dream of starting a successful business.

For comprehensive information and personalized advice, consider consulting a registered immigration agent who can guide you through every step and ensure your application complies with all relevant requirements. For further information and application, please contact us and ask for our advice at each stage of the application process.

Apply for Ozlinx Migration

Succeeding at the end of the immigration process to Australia requires careful planning and an understanding of the various pathways available. Whether you are a skilled professional, a student, or looking for opportunities in regional areas, there are options tailored to your circumstances. By staying informed and seeking guidance from reputable sources, you can make your journey to Australia safe and smooth.